sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

S'inicia el nou any amb un projecte Comenius

El projecte està finançat per la Unió Europea dins del programa lifelong learning.

L'objectiu principal del projecte es basa en educar els nostres estudiants, professors, famílies i personal respectant el medi ambient. L'ús d'anglès com a llengua unificadora del projecte i com una eina de treball i comunicació entre els col·legis participants, és un altre dels atractius de la iniciativa.

Anem a treballar sobre el desenvolupament de la consciència d'una escola ecològica i futurs ciutadans ecològics., i fomentar hàbits de responsabilitat envers el medi ambient.

El propòsit de l'associació és que tots els centres  treballin un tema en comú i compartir el seu treball entre ells. A més, un grup de professors i estudiants viatjaran als altres centres associats  i intercanviará experiències  amb els mestres de les escoles,i analitzaran els materials realitzats sobre les activitats proposades previament en suport informàtic, reportatges gràfics (vídeos, fotos, …) , treballs plàstics realitzats pels alumnes... També, mestres d’aquests centres visitaran el nostre centre en una primera visita.

Starts the new year with a Comenius project

Earlier in the year he prepared a project with four other European countries, within the Comenius programme, called "We want to be a REAL GREEN SCHOOL". During the summer vacation of the pleasant news that this project  has been approved and, therefore, will take place during the courses 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Of these two courses will work along to improve respect for environmental activities as well as the foreign language(English) and new technologies.

The project is funded by the European Union under the lifelong learning programme.

We started our first project Comenius, which will take place in our Center with enthusiasm. It is a multilateral partnership with other four European schools: Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Turkey, with which we have established common objectives that allow us to compare our socio-cultural and educational differences and similarities.

The main aim of the project is based on educating our students, teachers, families and respecting the environment. Use English  as a unifying language of the project and as a tool for work and communication between the participating schools, is another of the attractions of the initiative.

We will work on the development of awareness of ecological and ecological future citizens, school and encourage habits of responsibility towards the environment.

Every year there will be two or three transnational meetings of representatives of the teachers working with the presence of each centre, which serve to make direct contact with the country, its people, customs and culture, performing the planning, control and evaluation of the project and observe the different education systems and school organization, methodology and resources of each partner school.

The first meeting will take place at our Centre during the first week of November (November 7th, 8th and 9th).